donderdag 10 september 2009


Absolutely and without doubt the best paradise on Earth...

Hai, Verspeurt Joren desu, back with more info on my exchange student stay in Japan! If you're reading this and haven't read my first post, be ashamed and read it.

Today I visited Akihabara! (It's the reason I can write this to you, I didn't know I had to bring a switchplug Europe-Japan to plug my laptop in so I haven't been able to use it until now, I bought one of those plugs today). It's about an hour and something away from where I live, on a very busy line, but it's absolutely worth it.
First thing I had to do in Akiba was buy a plug adaptor thing for my laptop (you can see it on the picture with the stuff I bought (all those manga's you see there are for studying purposes y'all! or something.. :P I would've taken more pictures but I was so excited I forgot. I wanted to take a picture with one of those maid uniform girls handing out publicity but the only girl I got a chance to ask said she hated pictures so yeah... )
That was kind of easy, I just stepped out of the station and went into the first electric store I saw and they had it there so that was quickly settled. After that I walked into Onoden. Just to have been there. It's quite well-known. And because it's thursday today (well technically while I'm writing this friday) it was empty. And I understand that because the prices aren't that wonderful. Onoden sells electrical appliances by the way. Everything.
After that I ran as fast as I could to the nearest Gamers. Gamers is the summit of Otaku culture. Only downside: they only have recent stuff. It said on one of the shelves they had t-shirts of my favorite series, but I asked the store clerk and he said that they were all sold out (and he pulled a face like "That old stuff ain't coming back no more sonny"). Me sad.
After that I began my courageous crusade and walked into every store that seemed somewhat interesting. Weird thing about stores in Akiba is that they have multiple floors where they sell different stuff. And each floor is completely independent of the other (different cashier, security stuff at every staircase, ...). Something nice they have here is something called doujinshi. It's people drawing manga or even making computer games but don't have an editor. Doujinshi people are free to parody anything they like as long as they don't mention the actual title of the series they're making a parody of. I didn't buy any because all the series they make doujinshi of are completely unknown to me.
What I didn't like was the fact that most of the stuff I looked at had prices that were hard to find (the store sells at the price printed on the item (in tiny print) + tax (a percentage I don't know)) so I actually bought one of those 2 cd's without actually knowing what it was going to cost...
After a long and hard exploration I suddenly noticed it was dark outside and rushed home.

I guess this is the end of this post. I'm sorry if it wasn't as interesting but to me this was a very interesting (and exhausting) day so...
Mata ne!

yo-ren Úesupyuto

1 opmerking:

  1. Lol, sorry, should have warned you xD we had to do with a veeeeeerrrry old adapter in HK o_O (grandma didn't want me to waste money, but getting nearly electrocuted is apparently fine to her..)

    There's lots of doushinji on dA and it's wonderful ^^

    Don't forget the translation for us non-Japanese ppl, kk?

    Luvs xx

    P.S.: Those verification words are really funny xD
    (the ones you need to type to post a comment)
