zaterdag 12 september 2009


>>> Nihon no bunka antemezzo: engeki-bu = drama club
I went to my host family nephew's drama club yesterday! Superfun :D It's quite the different experience though, improvisation in a language in which you only understand half of what they're saying =) Even though they're a drama club they start with physical exercise :O First we did pronunciation exercises (a i u e o i u e o a u e o i a .... ka ki ku ke ko ki ku ke ko ka ku ke ko ka ki ...) and after that we did 45 push-ups, 40 sit-ups and 3 minutes of ankle exercises... interesting :P I was interested in entering the karate club at my school (that I'm going to for the first time tomorrow) but after seeing even the drama club doing push-ups and things like that I'm a little bit scared :P

Anyway it was a good chance for me to have some conversation exercise with people who aren't 40 years older than me...

No pictures this time, I brought my camera but forgot to take pictures...

I also went to a newly opened book off with my host nephew (he's 13 by the way so he's into stuff they call "Janpu" (Jump) here)
>>> Nihon no bunka intermezzo: Janpu, after Shounen Janpu (Boy's Jump, a popular magazine) is the term used for all media that young boys are into, like series about fighting people and giant shooting space robots and stuff.
I'm not very janpu-inclined so that's one thing we can't really have conversations about but whatever.

It was fun anyway!


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